about the project

Official project website of FAMILIE(N)HELDEN, a dutch-german youths exchange project, focussed on photography and art.A cooperation between Kunstbende (NL) and Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (DE).Sponsored by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipati, Fond Soziokultur and Youth in Action.
Warning: printAdminToolbox (called from index.php line 59) is deprecated This feature is now done by a "theme_body_close" filter. You can remove the function call.
You can disable this error message by going to the deprecated-functions plugin options and un-checking printAdminToolbox in the list of functions.
in /mnt/web105/c3/78/52729378/htdocs/gfzk-websites/family.gfzk.de/zp-core/zp-extensions/deprecated-functions.php on line 86