My Hero is Jesus Christ

My Hero is Jesus Christ

"Mein Held ist Jesus Christ. Die meisten Menschen wissen nicht warum sie auf dieser Welt sind. Ich habe meine Bestimmung gefunden. Ich bin hier für Gott."


"My hero is Jesus Christ. Most of the people don't know why they are into the world. I have found my purpose. I'm here for god." 


13.08.13 19:16
Warning: printAdminToolbox (called from image.php line 44) is deprecated This feature is now done by a "theme_body_close" filter. You can remove the function call.
You can disable this error message by going to the deprecated-functions plugin options and un-checking printAdminToolbox in the list of functions.
in /mnt/web105/c3/78/52729378/htdocs/gfzk-websites/ on line 86
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